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News31-05-2016Copernicus Cross Service Survey: User Requirements Gathering for the Next Generation of Copernicus Space Component, aimed at gathering long-term needs in terms of satellite Earth Observation/ Copernicus data and information services is open for participation. >>Link to the survey 11-05-2016The 10th meeting of the Copernicus User Forum which will take place in Brussels on Tuesday, 27 May 2016 from 9:00 to 17:30. Meeting page>> 15-04-2016The Copernicus Value Chain Workshop will take place at the Crowne Plaza, Brussels, Belgium on the 26th and 27th of April 2016. >>More information and registration 12-04-2016Sentinel-satelliittidatat kansalliseen k�ytt��n helposti, nopeasti ja luotettavasti -seminaari 24.5.2016 >>Linkki sivulle 23-03-2016The 9th meeting of the Copernicus User Forum which will take place in Brussels on Tuesday, 19 April 2016 from 9:00 to 17:45. Meeting page>> 24-02-2016Horizon 2020 Space Info day and Workshop on Space Science and Technology Co-operation will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, between 19 - 20 April 2016. Registration will be open until 14 April 2016! >>Detailed information and registration 24-02-2016ECMWF's annual appointment with its users: Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF) 2016 will be held in June (6th - 9th June) at ECMWF. >>More information 18-02-2016DG GROW has just released a survey for companies using (or interested in using) Copernicus data and services: The EU is designing a series of measures to promote the uptake of Copernicus and support companies in the EO field. In this context, we would appreciate your opinion on barriers to the exploitation of Copernicus data and your views on the types of initiatives that would help your company's best. In addition, relevant questions will be used as part of the public consultation for the forthcoming Communication on "a Space Strategy for Europe". As your time is precious, we designed this survey to last no longer than 10 minutes. >>Link to the survey 18-02-2016The third ESA-developed satellite carrying four Earth-observing instruments was launched February 16, ready to provide a 'bigger picture' for Europe's Copernicus environment programme. >>Launch video and additional information >>Korkealaatuista satelliittidataa tutkimuksen käyttöön >>The Northern Lights and the Russian launcher in the same image 02-03-2016In the context of the ongoing study that gathers User Requirements for the Next-Generation Copernicus Space Component, we would like to invite you to take part in the Copernicus "Call for Interest" survey. As you know, the Commission has asked a contractor to prepare an online questionnaire with the aim of establishing a list of users interested in taking part in this exercise. The survey is available at: We would also invite you to forward this link to any colleagues inside and outside your organisations, that could help the Copernicus programme to better serve their future needs. Members wishing to be actively involved, provide feedback to the contractor or ask any questions, may contact the study team directly at (Project Manager, Julia Yagüe).
Notice boardSpaceUp Space Academy application deadline extended to 15 March 2019. SpaceUp is calling start-ups, entrepreneurs and SMEs to Space Academy in Helsinki, on 3-4 June 2019. "The Ever Growing Use of Copernicus across Europe's Regions" BalticSatApps Copernicus User Uptake: Data access and processing, tools and use cases presentations are now available. BalticSatApps Copernicus User Uptake: Data access and processing, tools and use cases to be held on 9 November 2017. E-mail listEnter your e-mail to subscribe for the news and announcements: